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The Ice Bucket Challenge


This image has been taken from my personal album. The image depicts a girl being thrown with a bucket of ice cold water for the purpose of the ALS ice bucket challenge. In this picture you can see the torture in this girls face, she is in utter discomfort knowing that ice cold water is about to be thrown on her but she is doing it for a worthy cause.

The Amyotrophic Laterol Sclerosis (ALS) is a disease that is trying to raise awareness through doing the ice bucket challenge initiative, which is doing its round on the Internet and fast becoming a trending challenge. The rules include a person nominating another person to pour a bucket of ice-cold water on themselves within a 24-hour period and must donate money to the fund and then nominate another to do the same. It is an interesting way to get involved with charity and to do good for the community; however in order for the ice bucket challenge to work, one needs to donate money for the disease in order for the initiative to be a success.

There is no point in throwing ice water over yourself if you are not doing it for the purpose of raising money and awareness. It is a complete waste of water if the only purpose for a person doing the challenge is because it is a trend and they want to fit in; it is then a waste of perfectly good and usable water. If people are doing it for the right reasons and actually are contributing towards the donations of the ALS association, it can be seen as a fun, interactive and engaging way to get people to interact with charities online and possible identify other charities to donate to in the process. We have a responsibility to our environment and the people that live in it; therefore there is no harm in doing good, as long as that good is doing no harm.



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